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The SYStem Roadmap

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Known issues:
EmojiLabels have a small issue regarding their actual size since 17w7
The options screen is still a little messed up on some screen sizes since 17w7
RTL has issues in window titles since 16w50
3rd Person camera doesn't rotate well... (damn Quaternions) since build #2 High Priority - almost fixed
Inventory icons don't utilize the size of the inventory since build #2 Overhaul Pending

Allow all resources to load in the background since 17wXX Seems complete
Break the API into modules that can individually be loaded since 17wXX Can already be loaded, priority and communication still required
Break the story into modules since 17wXX
Ensure all resources are valid since 17wXX
Fix potential issues with statics on Android version since 17w7
I still didn't finish AI since 16w51
Finish 3D representation of dungeons since 16wXX
Implement real-time combat since 16wXX